The synopsis is every author's nightmare. If you have written a novel of 90,000 words, to condense it into a few hundred words is a daunting prospect. However, if you plan to submit your work to an agent or a publisher it is a necessary next step.

There are 3 important parts to any synopsis.
You want to make the main characters and secondary characters in your book strong and memorable.
Ensure the conflict is clearly stated. Conflict is the tension that keeps readers reading. This includes agents and publishers so you want to put a short description of the main conflict in your synopsis.
3. Explain the narrative arc. It is the skeleton of your plot. Although your novel’s plot should be multilayered, in your synopsis, condense it to its basic parts.

There are a few other cardinal rules for ensuring your synopsis appears professional. They are simple, but they are things you want to get them right. Firstly, check the length of synopsis required by those to whom you are submitting. following the guidance and requirements stated on their website is essential.
Write your synopsis in the third person, even if your book is not written in the third person, this maintains professionalism and narrative distance.
Keep the synopsis short and write it in present tense. A good synopsis is single-spaced and typed, if you are in any doubt, a word count between 500 and 700 words is a safe choice.
State the genre your work falls into. Even if you think your work transcends categorisation, or features several plot twists, clearly stating the main genre will help an agent imagine how to market and sell your book.
Disclose the whole story. Bear in mind that the synopsis for your book is not the same as the blurb that will be written on the back of book. That is meant to intrigue a reader or potential buyer without revealing the whole plot. The synopsis must also intrigue the agent or publisher, but should not leave any surprises to ease the marketing of your book.
Your synopsis is an extension of your own writing style, so make sure the writing is in line with your voice. This is your opportunity to sell yourself as a writer.
I hope these tips help when you are ready to submit your novel for publication. Good Luck!
