I am taking part in the two day event that is the international book signing taking place in August. It is being arranged by authors Josephine Wrightson and V.L. Peters and is set to be an exciting event. Oh, and by the way, tickets are on sale now.

As part of the build up to the event, I was interviewed, along with debut novelist Brittnay J Sears, by bestselling author Beth Hildebrand on her show, Booked up with Beth. Both ladies are delightful and the interview was a lot of fun, but due to windy weather in her home state of Pennsylvania, Beth's connection went down! Brittnay and I carried on chatting books and writing and stuff until Beth was able to get re-connected. She joked that it was the first time she had ever been kicked off her own show!

I hope you will be able to join me in Stranraer at Authors Invade Scotland 22-23 August 2025. The town is in the South-West of Scotland and it is a beautiful area of Dumfries and Galloway. Lots to see and do and many authors to meet. I intend to start my Christmas shopping there - signed books are such a personal gift for friends and family.

Why not take a few minutes and listen to Beth's show? You'll find it here, or on the FaceBook group for the event https://www.facebook.com/groups/3287975248003293 or on my own Facebook page here. https://www.facebook.com/valerie.penny.739
I hope you enjoy the chat. See you in Stranraer!