I am delighted to welcome romance novelist, Lesley Field back to the blog to tell us all about her new novel Lara's Daughter which was published this month. Thank you for taking time at such a busy juncture to give my readers an insight into you new book, Lesley.
Can I say a big thank you to Val for inviting me onto her blog again to discuss my latest contemporary romance, “Lara’s Daughter,” which was released on 24th May 2022.
This was in fact the second novel that I wrote, and that was way back in about 2013. When I became a member of the RNA, through their New Writers Scheme, it received a good critique. Since then it’s been revisited by me several times to edit, and has had at least three different beginnings. The one thing that never changed was its title, it’s always been “Lara’s Daughter.” Like all of my contemporary novels, its set in Canada, this time on the outskirts of Calgary.
My heroine, Lara Watson, is a private person, a young widow who suddenly finds herself in a situation she has no idea how to handle. A night that should never have ended the way it did threw her world upside down. Pregnant she takes the only decision she can, to have the child adopted. That is until her daughter is born and she falls instantly in love. The hero, Lane Tyler, is a tough no nonsense rancher with more testosterone than the average cowboy. His suspicion of Lara fights with his instant attraction to her. As she settles into life on the ranch, attraction turns to love. But Lara hides a secret that could tear both their worlds apart. How will this end?

Since I decided to become an independent author I have been designing my own covers, or rather I should say, my husband has. I was fortunate enough to buy a plan from a site providing photos for book covers. When I found my model for this book I knew instantly that she was exactly who I wanted for Lara’s daughter. I always have a picture in my head of what a character should look like, and this little girl was perfect. The background took a bit more finding, but when I saw it I knew immediately that it was ideal. I didn’t want anything to detract from my model.
Writing a novel set in Canada comes easy to me. I call Canada the home of my heart. My husband and I visit regularly, when covid doesn’t ground us. In this novel I’ve been able to incorporate places we’ve visited, Calgary Zoo, Heritage Park and of course the world famous, Calgary Stampede. It’s been a tradition to have lunch in the Saddledome, so it was easy to include this into the story. I love looking around the Stampede grounds, so many things and animals to see, and yes, I do have my cowgirl hat on.
I also used to ride and had my own horse, which was many moons ago. So again I always try to include something horsey in a novel. That’s something I’ve also been able to do in this book. Horses are quite intelligent, they also have a mind of their own and can often be quite mischievous, as I have found out in the past.
A long time ago when I had my heavy hunter who was 16.3 hands high, which is quite a height when you consider I’m only 5ft 1.5 inches, he could play some wicked tricks. His field had a stream running through it, and I would set off across the field, bridle in hand, to catch him only to find him on the other side of the stream. I would call to him, he would look at me, and then there was a stand-off. I had no wish to paddle through the stream to fetch him, and he had no intention of coming to me. So we just looked at each other, usually until I gave in and picked my way across to him. More often than not he would wait and let me put the bridle on, then I would have to find somewhere to mount so I could ride him back across. No way was I leading him across, which would end up with me getting pretty wet, large hooves and water are not a good combination. But there were those occasions when I reached the other side and he decided to cross back on his own. He would then patiently wait for me, large brown eyes looking at me as if to say, well what are we waiting for. He even had fun with the blacksmith when he was being shod. The ties on his apron were a big temptation and the blacksmith knew nothing until his apron fell undone. Then of course there were the times when I would go into his stall only to find it empty and the back door open. Yes, he knew how to pull a bolt out. He also knew where the farmer kept his bales of hay and that’s where I’d find him. Oh, yes, horses can be mischievous, but they can also be lots of fun.
But I digress, even though it’s good to reminisce. So let’s go back to Lara’s Daughter...
This is the longest novel I’ve written at just 110,700 words and you do have to be over 18 to read it. This is a story of how something really bad can turn into something good. That the thing you feared most is never as bad as it seems. That deception is not the way to handle things and can only lead to misunderstandings and heartache. Finally, that honesty is always best, even if you risk losing everything.
I said earlier, how will this story end. Well, this is a romance and they always have a happy every after, but how long will it take for my characters get there, and what trials and tribulations will they meet along the way? I hope my readers enjoy finding out.

The Author
Lesley Field was born and grew up on Teesside, in the North East of England She enjoyed riding and reading and later spent most of her working life pursuing personal injury claims on behalf of claimants. When retirement came she kicked off the restraints of the law and discovered her real self. What she discovered or re-discovered was writing something she’d dabbled in when she was in her teens. Although writing contemporary fiction set in Canada, she also writes historical fiction, set in London in and around the Regency period. Using her love of Canada and her enjoyment of horses she brings both to her books.
Lesley is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association coming in through their New Writers Scheme. Having now progressed to full membership she is also a member of ROMNA and of Promoting Yorkshire Authors.
Happily living on the North Yorkshire coast with her husband she spends her days enjoying life, and writing.

The Links
Main website – https://lesleyfield.com
Author Page Lesley Field @lesleyfield2author
Personal - https://www.facebook.com/lesley.field.79
Twitter - Lesley Field @lesleyfield2
Amazon Author page link for all books
Lesley can also be found on Instagram and Goodreads
Publication website for Lesley Field books - https://wildmoosepublications.co.uk