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An Interview With Rosie Travers

Today, I am thrilled that bestselling novelist Rosie Travers has taken time out of her busy schedule to chat with me. Firstly, thank you very much for agreeing to an author interview, Rosie.

Please tell my readers a little about yourself.

I grew up on the south coast of England and write contemporary commercial fiction. My plotlines that are a humorous mix of mystery, family drama and romance. When I’m not writing, I like to potter in my garden, or head out on a long walk. We currently live on the edge of the New Forest and I’m a great lover of wide-open spaces.

What inspired you to become an author?

I was an avid reader from an early age and as a teenager I loved creating my own stories. My dreams of being a professional writer were put on hold while I had my family but when I accompanied my husband to a new job US, I had time on my hands and began a blog about life as an ex-pat wife. This re-ignited my desire to “write that novel”. My first attempt is still in the drawer, but I’ve since had two books published and a third due for release this summer.

What is the best thing about being an author?

Escaping into a fantasy world! I love creating characters and giving them a dilemma or a puzzle to solve. My stories tend to be quite quirky and having decided to head down the self-publishing route I’ve realized I have the freedom to write the books I want to read. I’ve always had a vivid imagination and writing channels my creative spirit into something worthwhile, otherwise I’d spend a lot of time just day-dreaming!

What is your writing routine like?

I prefer to write in the morning, especially when I’m still in early creative phase. When it comes to editing. I can work anytime.

How much time is spent on research?

I keep research to a minimum and do it as I go along. My books are contemporary and I use familiar south coast settings. I like to incorporate aspects of the local culture and history into my plotlines, but I don’t want to overload the reader. I’m a great believer in the old adage of write what you know about!

How much of the book is planned out before you start writing it?

I’m a complete pantser – I don’t plan at all and fly by the seat of my pants. That said I am getting better organized. My latest book is intended as the first in a series of three cosy mysteries, the second is almost finished and although I haven’t started the third, I know where I want it to go and am actually going to attempt a proper outline before I start. I’m a slow writer and I’ve realized that’s because I let the story evolve and rely on my characters to lead the plot, which can consequently meander out of control. I need to take charge!

What do you think is most important when writing a book? Characters, plot, setting, etc

I always start with the characters and a setting. I have a whole army of characters in my head waiting for the perfect plot line to develop!

What is your latest book about?

A Crisis at Clifftops is a humorous cosy mystery set on the Isle of Wight. My main character, Eliza, is a professional golfer facing a career crisis. When her grandmother, Lilian, is arrested on suspicion of murder, Eliza seizes the opportunity to escape her tournament commitments and turns amateur sleuth, determined to defend Lilian’s innocence. But it soon becomes apparent Lilian might not be the paragon of virtue Eliza has always believed her to be…

What inspired it?

A holiday! A couple of years ago we took a family mini-break on the Isle of Wight over the New Year and an idea came to me for a storyline in a seaside setting. I knew I needed to rein my writing in to a specific genre, so I chose cosy mystery – both my previous books contained elements of a mystery but focused on the romance. This time I’ve done it the other way round. I also realized the island’s landscape, culture and history could provide no end of plotlines for an amateur sleuth and a writer with a fertile imagination.

Any new books or plans for the future?

I’ve two more books in my Isle of Wight cosy mystery series, plus a sequel to my debut novel, The Theatre of Dreams, is also in production.

What genre do you read most often?

I’ll read almost anything apart from horror and sci-fi. I like books with multiple layers, I enjoy a good thriller, although nothing to gory, and am happy to read romances, as long as there is something else going on.

Is there anything else you would like to tell my readers?

A Crisis at Clifftops launches as an ebook on 22 July 2021.

Gosh, that's not long.

It's not long, in fact, the book is available to preorder now at

Thanks Rosie and good luck with the new book.

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